Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
Mandatum Asset Management Ltd

FI-00120 Helsinki
Mandatum Asset Management Ltd (“MAM”) was formed by combining Sampo Group’s proprietary balance sheet, client assets, and the investment operations from Sampo Plc and Mandatum into a new asset management company. MAM leverages Sampo’s investment heritage as one of the most successful institutional investors in the Nordic region by combining Mandatum’s cutting-edge client solutions with Sampo’s investment expertise into a growing asset management company.
MAM’s direct clients are Nordic and European institutional and UHNWI investors, other client segments are covered through selected distribution networks.
MAM offers discretionary and consultative wealth management and manages various investment strategies within the following core areas: credit, alternatives, and equity selection.
MAM manages around 24bn euros and employs 100 investment professionals. Mandatum Asset Management belongs to Sampo Group and is a sister company to Mandatum Life Insurance Company Ltd.