Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

BAI-General Meeting 2024

The Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI), the central interest group for the alternative investments industry in Germany, looks back on a successful year 2023 and continues its growth trend. At the general meeting on March 20, 2024, Board and management reported on essential impulses for the BAI association's work in law, alternative markets, events, and public relations, among others.

01. July 2024

The repeated record growth in member companies reflects the successful financial year of the BAI. In 2023, 27 new member companies joined, bringing the current number of members to 286.


Chairman of the Board Achim Pütz, Partner at Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, commented on the association's current work: "We have one of the most successful financial years in the association's history behind us. Thanks to the introduction of the new successful event formats "Private Debt Symposium" and "Real Assets Symposium", as well as the unique exchange of knowledge with the industry and investors, we are also very well positioned for the coming years."

BAI Managing Director Frank Dornseifer highlighted: "We are pleased that BAI has achieved significant lobbying successes for the German and European fund industry in the 2023 financial year, from which investors also benefit. For example, BAI was involved in implementing a balanced and pragmatic supervisory regime for debt funds in the EU and abolishing VAT discrimination against AIFs in fund management."

In the Board election, the members confirmed Pütz and the other Board members in their positions by a large majority: Britta Bene, Partner at Mainstay Human Capital Advisors; Dr. Peter Brodehser, Partner Infrastructure Investments at DWS; Matthias Erb, Partner at StepStone Group; Andreas Kalusche, CEO of Prime Capital AG, and Prof. Dr. Rolf Tilmes, Academic Director at EBS Executive School

Andreas Binder, Head of Alternative Investments at WAVE Management AG, was newly elected to the board of directors. Bastian Schmedding, Managing Director at Intermediate Capital Group GmbH (ICG), did not stand for re-election at his own request. On behalf of the BAI, Pütz thanked Schmedding for his extremely committed and productive cooperation over the past 22 years and wished him all the best for the future.

Pütz commented on the Board election: "I am delighted that the members of the BAI have once again expressed their confidence in the Board. In particular, we look forward to working with Andreas Binder, who has been part of the BAI Investor Advisory Board for 12 years."

Further information on BAI, its members and the board can be found at www.bvai.de/en.

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Press contact:
Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
Frank Dornseifer
Managing Director
Poppelsdorfer Allee 106
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228-96987-50
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