Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)
In 2018 the EU Commission published the “Action Plan on Sustainable Finance”. Since then, everyone has been talking about Sustainable Finance or ESG.
ESG is an English acronym, stands for "Environment, Social and Governance" and as an umbrella term means the consideration of sustainability goals in capital investments: in ecological terms, in social terms and with regard to (good) corporate governance. For example, "E" generally stands for the conservation of resources, environmentally friendly production, reduction of greenhouse gases, eco-efficiency with regard to energy, water, carbon dioxide and waste, energy management, investment in renewable energies etc., "S" for example for the observance of central labor rights, fair conditions at the workplace, occupational health and safety (also with suppliers), equal opportunities and diversity, prevention of exploitation and discrimination, freedom of assembly and trade unions etc., and "G" stands exemplarily for transparency in corporate governance and external communication, for the anchoring of sustainability management at the executive and supervisory board level and ESG risk management, the prevention of corruption, bribery and money laundering, for regulatory compliance and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
With the "Action Plan on Sustainable Finance" the EU Commission has launched an extremely voluminous legislative initiative. The Action Plan comprises ten (legislative) measures which are intended to contribute to the achievement of three objectives, as visualized in the graph below:
- The re-orientation of private capital flows towards sustainable investments (measures 1-5; dark blue)
- The fostering of transparency and long-termism in markets (measures 6-8; dark grey)
- The embedding of sustainability risk into risk management (measures 9-10, red).
With the "Action Plan on Sustainable Finance" the EU Commission has launched an extremely voluminous legislative initiative. The Action Plan comprises ten (legislative) measures which are intended to contribute to the achievement of three objectives, as visualized in the graphic below:
- The re-orientation of private capital flows towards sustainable investments (measures 1-5; dark blue)
- The fostering of transparency and long-termism in markets (measures 6-8; dark grey)
- The embedding of sustainability risk into risk management (measures 9-10, red).

The Action Plan includes a wide range of initiatives such as
- The taxonomy regulation to create a uniform classification system for sustainable activities
- The Sustainable Finance Reporting Regulation (SFDR), the so-called Disclosure Regulation, to create consistent disclosure requirements with regard to sustainability
- A CO2 benchmark regulation to provide standardized sustainability benchmarks
- New secondary legislation or "delegated acts" to integrate sustainability risks and factors into the UCITS Directives and the AIFMD framework, i.e. for the entire fund industry
- New delegated acts to integrate sustainability risks and factors into the MiFID II and IDD frameworks (including the integration of sustainability considerations into financial advice)
- The development of a standard for Green Bonds
- The development of an EU eco-label for financial products (EU Ecolabel)
- Updating the non-financial reporting of companies as part of a review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD).
Of the entire legislative package of the Sustainable Finance Initiative, measures #1 (Taxonomy Regulation), #2 (standards and labels for environmentally friendly financial products/green financial products), #4 (incorporating sustainability as part of financial advice), #6 (developing sustainability benchmarks and better integrating sustainability into ratings), #7 strengthening the disclosure made by asset managers and financial advisors to their clients, including the Disclosure Regulation) and #9 (strengthening the rules on disclosure of sustainability information and accounting) are the most relevant and important legislative acts for funds and their management companies.
Legal basis
The Taxonomy Regulation as a classification system helps to ensure that environmentally sustainable economic activities can be more easily identified as such in order to achieve the EU's climate and environmental goals in the long term. It includes specifications with which contents existing product-related transparency obligations are to be filled out according to the SFDR.
- Taxonomie Verordnung
- FAQ Taxonomie-Verordnung (technische Bewertungskriterien)
- Taxonomy User Guide
- FAQ on the implementation of the EU Taxonomy and links to the SFDR
- FAQ der EU-Kommission zu Offenlegungen nach Art. 8 der Taxonomie (2022)
- FAQ der EU-Kommission zu Offenlegungen nach Art. 8 der Taxonomie (2023)
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting (Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2021/2178)
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting (zur Ergänzung der Verordnung (EU) 2020/852)
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting – Anhang 1 bis 5
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting – Anhang 6
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting – Anhang 7
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting – Anhang 8
- DelVo Artikel 8 Reporting – Anhang 9 bis 11
- Amendment of the Annexes to the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178
- Finaler Bericht zu den Minimum Social Safeguards
- Klima-DelVO bzw. Technische Bewertungskriterien (Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2021/2139)
- Sustainable Finance Package
- Vorschlag für eine Verordnung über ESG-Ratings
- Compromise text of the ESG Regulation
- Endgültiger Delegierter Rechtsakt für den Umweltschutz
- Delegierter Änderungsrechtsakt für den Klimaschutz
- Bekanntmachung der Kommission über die Auslegung und Anwendung bestimmter Rechtsvorschriften der Taxonomie-Verordnung
- Leitfaden für die Anwendung der Taxonomie-VO
- Recommendation in facilitating finance for the transition to a sustainable economy
- EU Taxonomy Navigator
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) econtains numerous transparency provisions aimed at both financial market participants and financial advisors. The SFDR aims to reduce information asymmetries between investors and financial market participants with regard to the inclusion of sustainability risks and criteria. The main objective of the Disclosure Regulation is to create greater product transparency in order to make comparisons as easy as possible.
- Konsolidiertes Q&A zur SFDR (17. Mai 2023)
- Summary Report of the Open and Targeted Consultations on the SFDR assessment
- Guidelines on funds´ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms
- DelVo SFDR – Anhang I
- DelVo SFDR – Anhang II
- DelVo SFDR – Anhang III
- DelVo SFDR – Anhang IV
- DelVo SFDR – Anhang V
- BaFin Handreichung zur Vorlage zu Art. 8 OffenlegungsVO
- BaFin Handreichung zur Vorlage zu Art. 9 OffenlegungsVO
The Corporate Sustainablity Reporting Directive will replace the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) and extend its scope to smaller companies in the future. The new directive will set detailed requirements for sustainability reporting (environmental, social, human rights and governance factors). This is intended to prevent a divergence of sustainability standards and thus ensure a smooth transition to a sustainable economy. The directive is scheduled to be implemented in 2024. The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are the mandatory format for CSRD reporting. In March 2024, the Federal Ministry of Justice published a draft law to implement the directive. It provides for the introduction of mandatory sustainability reporting in stages. To this end, the existing legal framework will be reviewed and partially updated.
- CSRD Richtlinie
- Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2013/34/EU as regards sustainability reporting standards
- Delegierte Richtlinie (EU) 2023/2775
- Draft law to implement the directive
- Comments on the draft bill for the implementation of the directive
On February 23, 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for an EU-wide "supply chain directive", the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive CSDDD. This contains environmental and human rights-related due diligence requirements as well as an obligation for larger companies to draw up an action plan setting out measures to achieve climate targets.
The regulations, which apply to EU and in some cases non-EU companies, oblige companies to identify and prevent negative impacts of their activities throughout the value chain.
On May 25, 2024, the Council approved the position of the European Parliament, which means that the legal act has now been adopted.
- Press release: Adoption by the EU Council
- Legislative decision of the EU Parliament
- Briefing: Corporate sustainability due diligence - How to integrate human rights and environmental concerns in value chains
- Deutsches Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz
- Handreichung zur Umsetzung einer Risikoanalyse nach den Vorgaben des LkSG
- Handreichung zur Zusammenarbeit in der Lieferkette zwischen verpflichteten Unternehmen und ihren Zulieferern
- Handreichung zur Anwendung des LkSG auf die Kredit-und Versicherungswirtschaft
The Financial Markets Directive aims to improve the functioning and transparency of European financial markets and to enhance consumer protection. It concerns, for example, stricter requirements in the areas of portfolio management, independent investment advice, benefits, product governance, product intervention and record-keeping obligations. Sustainability is to become an increasing component of customer advisory processes in order to channel capital flows specifically into environmentally friendly investments.
- Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1254
- Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1253
- Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/1269
- Guidelines on MiFID II product governance requirements (2018)
- Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II suitability requirements (2022)
- Final report on Guidelines on MiFID II product governance requirements (2023)
- Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1257
- Guidance on the integration of the customer’s sustainability preferences in the suitability assessment under the IDD
Benchmark-Regulation, incl. delegated acts
The Benchmark Regulation provides a legal framework for the provision of benchmarks. Its main purpose is to protect consumers and investors. The aim is for benchmarks within the EU to be characterized by accuracy, integrity, robustness and reliability. In particular, it provides for minimum standards with regard to specific CO2 reference values and aims to achieve greater transparency in the inclusion of ESG factors in the reference values.
- Benchmark-Verordnung
- Benchmark-Verordnung Q&A
- EU-Taxonomy-Aligning-Benchmarks (TABs) Report
- Delegierte Verordnungen zur Benchmark-Verordnung:
- Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/1816: Ergänzung der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1011
- Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/1817: Ergänzung der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1011
- Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/1818: Ergänzung der Verordnung (EU) 2016/1011
European Green Bonds (EuGB)
The regulation sets out specific requirements for green bonds that wish to carry the voluntary designation "European Green Bond". European green bonds or European Green Bonds are to be those bonds and financial products that pursue environmentally sustainable goals as defined by the EU taxonomy. The standard is intended to prevent greenwashing and promote the protection of trust. Transparency of the use of proceeds is to be ensured by means of factsheets and annual reports, with monitoring by external experts. The EUGB standard should also be open to non-European issuers.
- Verordnung (EU) 2023/2631 on European green bonds
- Vorstellung des EU Green Deals
European Single Access Point (ESAP)
The establishment of a single EU access point is intended to create a central access portal for public finance and sustainability-related information on companies and investment products in the EU. The platform is to bundle all information that companies are obliged to publish under Union law and provide free access to it for the general public.
- Verordnung (EU) 2023/2859 on the establishment of a central European access portal
- Verordnung (EU) 2023/2869
- Richtlinie (EU) 2023/2864
- PRIIP-VO (EU) Nr. 1286/2014
- FAQ-Leitprinzipien der UN
- OECD-Leitsätze (2011)
- OECD-Leitsätze (2023)
- UN Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte
Position Paper / BAI ESG Template / Best Practices / Contributions
Position Paper Impact Investing in Alternative Investments
Over the past few months, numerous representatives of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI) and the Bundesinitiative Impact Investing e.V. (BIII) have worked hard to produce a position paper entitled “Impact Investing in Alternative Investments - why private market investments are particularly suited for impact-generating investments”.
The position paper begins by taking stock of key market concepts and terminology and outlines the main characteristics of impact investments. It then discusses the types of impact products and, in a main section, the relationship between impact investments and regulation and sustainable investments in accordance with Art. 2 (17) SFDR. We hope that this position paper will provide a basis and a starting point for discussion with investors and internal departments.
BAI ESG Template
The BAI ESG template is used to exchange relevant data points between funds and NFRD/CSRD investors in accordance with the Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation and CSRD/ESRS. It is typically made available annually between December and February, depending on investor requirements.
The current version of the BAI ESG template can be acessed here.
The previous version of the template (for the Article 8 Taxonomy Regulation Reporting 2023, no longer applicable) can be found here.
Current information and the opportunity for exchange can always be found in the BAI Community PortaI.
PAI Best Practices
The BAI has been discussing implementation and practical questions regarding the numerous regulations of the Sustainable Finance Initiative for a long time within the BAI Working Group on Sustainable Finance & ESG to develop positions and statements. In doing so, it always considers the specific needs of alternative and often illiquid asset classes.
As a result, many representatives in the BAI Roundtable on PAI data collection for Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Private Equity/Private Debt have developed 'Best Practices':
PAI Best Practices for Real Estate (Version 5) (Excel-file)
PAI Best Practices for Infrastructure (Version 7.2) (Excel-file)
Click here to go to the main topic of the association's work: ESG
Click here to access the documents and recordings of the following webinars:
- "European ESG Template (EET) - Lessons Learned from the First PAI Reporting for the Year 2022" on May 31, 2023.
- "European ESG Template (EET) Reporting for Alternative Investments" on September 21, 2022
- "BAI Practice Webinar on the Implementation of the SFDR RTS" on September 20, 2022.
- "ESG-Management: Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Praxis und Vorteile einer digitalen Umsetzung“ am 28. Mai 2020
- "A practical guide to improving your ESG management" am 23. März 2020
- "Impact Management und Messung im Bereich Real Assets" am 6. Februar 2020
- "Responsible investments: how to select, implement and monitor Social and Governance aspects in the investment process" am 3. Februar 2020
Click here for more information on the next ESG workshop.