Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Intermediate Capital Group plc (ICG)

An der Welle 5
D-60322 Frankfurt
Contact Person
Bastian Schmedding und Julia Beinker
+49 0 69 2549 7659 und +49 69 254 976 64
+49 0 69 2549 7699
Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Tokio, Madrid, New York, Paris, Singapur, Stockholm, Sydney, Luxembourg, Warsaw, Dubai, Brisbane, Milan
Year of establishment
Active in Germany since
Managing director/board member
Benoît Durteste (Chief Investment Officer and Chief Executive Officer), Vijay Bharadia (Chief Financial and Operating Officer), Antje Hensel-Roth (Chief People and External Affairs Officer)

ICG is a global alternative asset manager with over 33 years of history. ICG was founded in 1989 to capitalize on opportunities in the then-nascent European subordinated debt/intermediate capital market. Over the past 33 years, ICG has invested approximately €25.1 billion in this market and made 400 investments. Having become a market leader in the European subordinated debt/intermediate capital asset class, ICG has broadened its investment strategies over the years both through organic growth and acquisitions and has evolved into an integrated global asset manager today.

72.1 bn USD AuM, thereof 68.5 bn USD Third-Party AuM (per 31.03.2022)
Assets in the field of AI
$53.31bn, The remainder is comprised of liquid/ semi-liquid credit strategies (Syndicated Loans, High Yield Bonds, CLOs). (per 31.03.2022)
Number of employees
525 (including in the AI area: 525, including 245 Investment Professionals)
Regional focus
Global and European focus
Target group
Institutional Investors
(Supervisory) registration at / since
BaFin, BaFin-ID: 10156778 (since 26 September 2019) FSA (now FCA) (01.01.1994)
BAI-Member since
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