Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Andreas Walter, Yester & Morrow Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Andreas Walter (born 1975, married, 4 children) worked for leading German capital management companies in the areas of real estate and alternative assets for more than 10 years after completing his legal training, most recently as a division manager. His passion for interdisciplinary consulting led him to switch to the legal profession. Based on his experience on the client side, Andreas Walter combines a deep understanding of the business processes of market participants with the ability to systematize the advantages and challenges of investment structures from a legal and tax (digital) perspective. Driven by the vision to integrate law as a building block in clients' business processes and to eliminate inefficiencies through consistent digitalization, Andreas Walter founded Yester & Morrow Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft in 2019 and positioned it as a boutique for AIF investment structures.


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